
Indian Navy Deploys Anti-Swarm Drones for Enhanced Security

The Indian Navy has taken significant steps to bolster its national security by developing indigenous technology, including a navigation system and anti-swarm drones. Officials have revealed that the anti-swarm drones are equipped with 30mm ammunition capable of creating protective barriers around naval assets, effectively countering enemy drone attacks.

Commander of the Indian Navy, MN Pasha, highlighted the ammunition’s unique features, stating, “The specialty of this ammunition is it has 300 steel balls; upon detonation, it will spread and create a wall of balls to destroy the drones. It is highly effective and has completed lab trials.”


This anti-swarm drone technology plays a crucial role in enhancing national security. The Indian Navy’s efforts in this area are part of the Swavlamban initiative, which involves collaboration with startups and MSMEs to develop various technologies, including autonomous weaponized swarms, underwater swarm drones, and fire-fighting robots.

Additionally, the Indian Navy has deployed an indigenous combat information and control system on its submarines, allowing for the integration of data from multiple sensors and weapon systems. The Navy’s adoption of the Network for Information Sharing (NISHAR) further enhances its communication capabilities, enabling collaboration with foreign naval teams during joint exercises.

The Dronaam counter-drone system, capable of jamming communication between drones and their ground stations, was showcased at the Indian Navy’s Swavalamban 2023 exhibition. The Indian Air Force has already placed orders for 100 of these systems, emphasizing the importance of such technology in modern defense strategies.

These advancements demonstrate the Indian Navy’s commitment to enhancing its capabilities and strengthening national security through innovative and indigenous technologies.

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