
Tata Power-Led Odisha Discom Awards Rs 11,481 Crore Contracts to Boost Local Suppliers & MSMEs

Tata Power-led Odisha Discoms have awarded contracts worth Rs 11,481 crore to local contractors and suppliers, according to an official. These contracts have been placed over the last three years since Tata Power took over Odisha’s power distribution operations.

The joint ventures between Tata Power and the Odisha government placed orders worth Rs 8,690 crore with local Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Rs 2,791 crore with non-MSMEs. These contracts cover two main areas: materials and services.

Odisha’s power distribution companies – TP Central, TP Southern, TP Northern, and TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited – have partnered with 6,645 local suppliers and contractors. Tata Power has emphasised that these partnerships are vital for daily operations and services, encouraging local vendors to hire people from nearby areas.

In the services sector, which includes tasks like meter reading, billing, and network maintenance, contracts worth Rs 7,560 crore were given to 4,347 local vendors. For materials, including items like transformers, cables, and poles, 2,298 contracts valued at Rs 3,921 crore were awarded.

These contracts include necessary equipment such as distribution transformers, poles, cables, and hardware, along with laptops and desktops. The service contracts cover various tasks such as meter installation, billing, call centre operations, meter reading, and administrative roles like housekeeping and catering.

Tata Power said this initiative supports the “Make in Odisha” vision and plays a key role in boosting the state’s economy. It has transformed the business environment and contributed to the financial well-being of local communities.

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