After five days of gains, the Indian stock market took a hit on Friday due to weak global market sentiments. The Nifty 50 index dropped by 311 points, closing at 24,699, while the BSE Sensex fell by 885 points to end at 80,981. The Bank Nifty index also declined by 226 points, finishing at 51,337. This decline was largely influenced by negative global cues and higher jobless claim data from the US.
Sumeet Bagadia, Executive Director at Choice Broking, advised investors to be cautious as the Indian stock market is expected to be highly volatile on Monday. He pointed out that the Nifty has crucial support at 24,400; if it stays above this level, a rebound is possible. However, if it falls below this support, market sentiment could weaken further.
Sumeet Bagadia’s Stock Picks:
- Divi’s Laboratories
- Buy at: ₹4991.25
- Target: ₹5370
- Stop Loss: ₹4780
- Nestle India
- Buy at: ₹2495.10
- Target: ₹2650
- Stop Loss: ₹2410
- Naukri
- Buy at: ₹7220.50
- Target: ₹7800
- Stop Loss: ₹6925
These recommendations are based on current market trends and technical analysis. Investors should consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before making any decisions.
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